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Dr. Hellen Greenblatt




Dear all,Please realize that i26 is not a drug. It cannot cure, treat, or prevent disease and to infer other than that is not prudent since we know it is not a medication, nor a vaccine.


What i26 may be able to do for an individual is help their immune system better prepare itself. Most of us has what is known as innate, inherent immunity. This means that when the body sees foreign nucleic acids [DNA, RNA] it will "automatically" mount an immune response--it's not specific to that organism, but a strong defense nonetheless. When I take i26 what I am trying to do is help my immune system be prepared for a new, previously unseen infectious challenge. Support my immune system to do its job.


I hope that if my body is ready, it will be able to decrease the severity of my symptoms and the length of time that I am unwell. For example, many people that use i26 to support immune function report to me that unlike previous years they never miss any work or school. Some people used to visit the hospital multiple times and after rebalancing immune function found that they haven't had to go back as often, or at all.


Is it the i26 that is doing this? Absolutely not! It's my own immune system, using the "information" that i26 can provide, to help it set up the conditions within the body to be (hopefully) better prepared.

[Nutitional supplement is another way to help the immune system indirectly support itself, but i26 is the only way I know that you can quickly and efficiently directly support immune function.]


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